-- client side:exports["fz-inventory"]:getInventoryItems(identifier,function(items)-- Do something with items here...end)-- server-side:local inventory = exports["fz-inventory"]:getInventoryItems(identifier)
New Inventory
You can create and access a new inventory (e.g: housing) or a temporary (e.g: admin item dump) inventory through a few simple function calls, as shown below. If you have a pre-existing items table (general ESX inventory layout), you can convert the items to the format required by the inventory by calling the export "buildInventoryItems", E.G:
-- Server side, called once for creation:local uniqueIdentifier ="houseUniqueIdentifier:123:ABC" -- Unique identifier for this inventory.local inventoryType ="inventory" -- Inventory type. Default is "inventory", other types are "shop" and "recipe".local inventorySubType ="housing" -- Inventory sub-type, used to modify degrade modifiers by the config table.local inventoryLabel ="house_storage" -- The inventorys UI label index (which will pull the translation value).local maxWeight =250.0-- Max weight for the inventory.local maxSlots =50-- Max slots for the inventory.local items = exports["fz-inventory"]:buildInventoryItems({ -- Construct table of valid items for the inventory from pre-existing ESX items table (OR a blank table/{}). { name ='water_bottle', label ='Water Bottle', count =5 }})-- To create an inventory that will save to the database:exports["fz-inventory"]:createInventory(uniqueIdentifier,inventoryType,inventorySubType,inventoryLabel,maxWeight,maxSlots,items)-- To create a temporary inventory that will never save to the database (think disposable: item dump for admins).local tempInvId = exports["fz-inventory"]:createTemporaryInventory(inventoryType,inventorySubType,inventoryLabel,maxWeight,maxSlots,items)
-- Client side, called any time you want to open the inventory:exports["fz-inventory"]:openOtherInventory("houseUniqueIdentifier:123:ABC")
NOTE: This must be called AFTER the script has authorized.
New Vehicle Inventory
When a new vehicle is purchased, you should create an inventory for it by triggering the export, passing the vehicles plate, and optionally the vehicles class/category OR model hash.
Adding container item with content directly to player inventory:
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)local added = exports['fz-inventory']:addContainerItem(xPlayer.identifier,"basic_tools",{ { name ="lockpick", count =5 }, { name ="water_bottle", count =1 }})if added thenprint("Item added to inventory.")elseprint("Adding item to inventory failed.")end
You can create shops that allow both buying and selling for fixed values via the config. While the inventory logic is handled automatically, you will still need to implement a way to open these shops via the export:
RegisterCommand('inventory:openOther',function(source,args)local identifier = args and args[1] or"example_shop:1" exports["fz-inventory"]:openOtherInventory(identifier)end)
To create a shop, check out the config.lua and read the example shop provided.
You can create recipes sets which contain a list of recipes, directly craftable from the inventory via the config. Again, crafting logic is all handled internally but you will need to implement a method for opening the recipe set, e.g:
RegisterCommand('inventory:openCrafting',function(source,args)local identifier = args and args[1] or"example_recipe" exports["fz-inventory"]:openCrafting(identifier)end)
To create a recipe set, check out the config.lua and read the example recipe set provided.
A small minigame is included. Press space to use. Example usage:
Inventories save to the database on a thread roughly every 5 minutes (only as required). To force inventories to save immediately, call the export:
exports["fz-inventory"]:saveInventories(function()print("Inventories saved.")end)-- Example for txAdmin:AddEventHandler('txAdmin:events:scheduledRestart',function(eventData)if eventData.secondsRemaining ==30then exports["fz-inventory"]:saveInventories()endend)
Allow some time for sql operations before closing server after this function is called.
ESX.RegisterUsableItem is now passed a callback function to remove the item that was used. Optional param count of items to remove. The item being used is also passed.
To have account money show up as an inventory item, you need to add the account name to the config.lua table Config.DisplayAccounts, and insert the account name as an item in the database. The default ESX 'money' and 'black_money' items have been provided by default in the database and in the config.