Adding custom helicopters

A guide on adding new helcopter and plane cameras.

Copying an already existing entry (helicopter) and modifying it to fulfil your needs is a good way to ensure that you don't encounter issues when adding new entries.

You can add custom helicopters and planes in the config.lua file under Config.Helicopters. When adding a new helicopter/plane you need one of the following: the model hash (for example 1735155578) or the model name (for example c3b206l). If you have the model hash then you could simply put it as the index of the new entry in the Config.Helicopters table like so:

[1735155578] = {

If you don't have the model hash then you could instead use the model name like this:

[`c3b206l`] = {

Or alternatively like so:

[GetHashKey("c3b206l")] = {

You can theoretically stop at his point and jump in-game and use the camera, however, this can lead to a suboptimal experience since the camera will often be placed in the wrong location and the "label" (what you see in the top left when in the camera), will always be "FLIR SYSTEMS".

To add a custom camera offset add the "offset" variable to the new entry you just made like so:

[`c3b206l`] = {
    offset = vector3(0.0, 3.0, -0.35)

The offset MUST be a vector3, and the values are as follows: x, y, z. The x offset is left/right, the y format is back/forward and the z offset is up/down. The offset is in-game units (meters).

When that is done you can add the labels (NOTE: you do not need the offset variable to add a label). This is done by adding in the labels table like so:

[`c3b206l`] = {
    offset = vector3(0.0, 3.0, -0.35),
    labels = {

The script supports multiple labels per helicopter, the labels should be set up with the index being the index of the livery, if there is only one livery, or you only want one label, then simply make the index 0 like so:

[`c3b206l`] = {
    offset = vector3(0.0, 3.0, -0.35),
    labels = {

And that is it! You now have a (hopefully) fully working camera for your custom helicopter!

Last updated